Tuesday, 20 May 2008

beautiful day.. doors open windows too, fresh smell of cut grass, everythings growing.....new buds and shoots....not much traffic about..quiet..
everythings growing except me.. because..?

well i,m stuck with.. chronic fatigue....looked in the mirror and gave myself a good talking to..i took no notice.. this is the thing this is why im still here..
head in the sand..
one day i will wake up and think life is really good.... i wish it was here now..

slept badly..forgot my antibiotic 4am thought i just can,t be chewed to tip toe down and back up again.. so lay there.. hot sneezing.. coughing..complaining.. to no-one....the birds dawn chorus assailed my ears..
i will feel differently once i have my energy back .. i know this and i promised myself i wouldnt complain...so this will be the last...
as i put my blinkers back on..

think if i,d been the type of person who could willingly accept not being able to do what i wish which is to climb mountains and not be restricted.. i,d have took to this like a duck to water.. but i have no patience....

still downsizing, decluttering.. cant take any of it with you .. thats my philosophy...i would look at a field and see .. the lovely color of the grass..or whatever was growing..daisies, dandylions, the wild flowers.. butterflies.. i wouldnt see the flies.. mice.. ants...
the nasty stuff passes me by there will always be good stuff if you just open your eyes and not be too blind to see...

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