Thursday, 20 March 2008

suns shining in kitchen its getting warmer. dusted computer ect.
wonder where it comes from. broth for tea, yuck. if i came in from work famished and mam said "broth for tea" i wasnt happy lived on heinz baked beans hp brown sauce,.

always had a book in my hand wasnt allowed to read at the table.
so i read the sauce bottle instead. turned it round so i could read recipes on the back i knew off by heart age about 10, which food accompanied the sauce.
escaped into another world with books too.

wished i could go through my wardrobe into narnia, another world.
feel as if im living in an old movie im sure ive already said that but i forget.
memory. not much of..........mam put me to bed with a stone ginger beer bottle filled with hot water. lovely on the toes not nice when it fell out of bed during the night, what a clatter.


Sid said...

Hello Gilly, I thought it was only me who still reads the back of cereal packets, honey jars etc.

gillian said...

sid what a blooming surprise. welcome.. howay in, next time i,ll make you a cuppa..

remember the free toys in the packets and on comics? girls got those cheap an nasty plastic rings and watches, lads probably got catapults..
