Tuesday, 18 March 2008

there are all kinds of angels archangels, etc, these never reincarnate,
then theres "earth angels", ordinary people that walk this earth, not knowing....

we can leave happiness and laughter behind stamped into the atmosphere
and we don,t have to die to do it.

"no man is an island" is true, we affect each other all the time even people we haven't met.

what is the dark side, ? i dont believe it exists.. yet if there is good then there must be bad.
but i will always believe only in good, choosing positives over negatives.

I remember the first Sunday night alfie was in, i texted cos he had a priest in,
i said " if theres a god does that mean there is a devil? the priest replied really its our own self, ego. so really the fight is with our own self.
the ego, which isnt really us, our true self is our "spirit" the higher self that knows all..
and in my case sez "nowt" .

lifes still not fair........

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