Friday, 1 February 2008

spiritual way

love diana ross, listening to jon m. this morning i thought someone on the same wave length, you could talk for hours and never get bored. the world would open out.
not many people would dare admit to thinking about spiritual things, psychic guides, astrology, ect but i think he should be applauded for trying. just what we need to ground us.
take our thoughts higher.

after all when you think about it what do we do?
get up go to work, stress up, come home and park on the sofa, try to sort kids out, get them to school, polish, clean, cook, argue maybe over who did what, something dead important like who,s turn to put the rubbish out, go to bed, end of.

we have the ability to change it all for the better, a lot of people do,
whats needed is a joblist, a plan, if you,ve discipline which you,ll need in abundance you can do it, if like me you have,nt cos you like to just get up, put on your coat and go do it,
without effort then you struggle.

when i was young i didnt even have time to look in the mirror, i threw everything on and just hoped for the best.

I don,t know how they tied me down and kept me at work till 5.30, 9pm on fridays, it nearly killed me.
Once i settled in, to amuse myself when customers came in i talked under my breath, mumbled just to confuse them, which is shocking. nearly got caught out but bluffed my way through.

rather have been spending lunchbreak in the market tavern, but that was sackable offence.

I had to hand over my first weeks wages i wasnt happy. said "youve kept me for nothing up to now 15 years, why can,t you do it a bit longer".

I need everything to just appear in front of me, done, no hard work.
lifes not like that which is why i,m still here. procrastinating..

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