Friday, 25 January 2008


thinking too my dads been ill,... ? well .. made me think, one day i may have to go back to my mams for a while, to help there too, shes disabled , it wouldn't be force work cos mams been good to me, if so the computer would have to come with me if that's poss, i don,t know, i couldn't do without it now.

Ive been reviewing, Ive never been anywhere without my mam, thats true, she called for me every morning for years while she could get out, must be years,, well it is.. we went out together, Durham, mainly Durham.

although married i never really left home so much was the close ness, i split myself between the two, they helped me when life was a nightmare in the early years,
it,s just the way things are done around here,...mam n dad just live around the corner, well about 3 streets away, in small villages everyone pops in and out all the time.

I worked for a doctor at the time ,who lived just across the road from mam he was really kind to me his wife too, i made them laugh one day by announcing id found a birds egg in the study, when they flapped and went to look they laughed when realising i,d put a "grit big" melon there to ripen in the sun on the window sill. both gone now sadly.

I spent every day up till 6 o clock there, all my life, they,ve a lovely big garden, had meals, helped out, laughed, which just proves my point ,i never grew up, i don,t think i ever will. i feel 17 in my head truly and its great, honestly.
also life, its just the way it is in close small villages, but it,s been good..

my son has gone every day since he was born, never missed a day,
here is just a stop gap for him, but i,m so thankful that he,s had his gran n grandad
cos it,s made him the fine lad that he is now, good principles, morals ect. a joker.
he,s the one you,ll find in the middle of his mates or even strangers, trying to sort out some dispute, coming off worst sometimes,
but he still try,s to make everyone friends again, happy go lucky, friendly.
he,s the double of me in every way really, esp personality, but we are both aries ,
headstrong, fiery, and can rub each other the wrong way, too much alike,
they say people with same starsigns or signs near each other are a lot alike too.

5.15 oz born,tiny, yet 6ft 2in now, blonde, he towers over me and the fridge,
i can be a bit overenthusiastic, rush in where angels fear to tread n live to regret,
but the real me is effervescent, bubbly, with a zest for life that can be infectious.. it never goes away just sometimes gets bogged down a bit.. i,m off to do some jobs..
can,t do any jobs, i tried,..sat here all morning,. so it,s rest up.

.gonna buy some new aromatheray oils for burner, maybe, frankinsense. neroli, and orange a calmer esp for palpitations ect.

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