Sunday, 27 January 2008


woke feeling really weird..! went to stand up had to sit straight back down,.. vertigo?
don,t know, room spinning, had it before when virus kicked in, freezing too.

But after listening to Ian t,s, about a holocaust survivors story no one should complain and i,m not , cos half of us don,t know we are born, it was a harrowing tale, inspiring too , to be hearing this story all these years later which proves testament to this persons courage and determination....
Ive seen pictures of Treblinka in Poland thinking the place looks so still, dead, Ive thought i wouldn't think even the birds sing there, there was no life to be seen,so very sad.

how anyone can do such wicked terrible things to another human just beggars belief really which shows how warped a mind can become.

brought me to the conclusion, make the most of the people you love, don,t be afraid to love,
you only get one chance, well in this lifetime anyway,.
.we should look at and review all our friendships too, the awesome connections that came about by chance, the beauty, and how much joy they bring us, treasure the meaning of them cos sometimes they can become lost forever in the daily struggle we call "life", a very small request but the benefits can be and are immeasurable. x

i,m going on the Treblinka site later,
lest we forget..!!
i,m just putting my own thoughts down, for record and reflection purposes.

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