Saturday, 26 January 2008

turning in.

usually party people of which i used to be one say they are turning out, well just to be awkward i,m turning in, and i,m just cutting my nose off to spite my own face really sooo ..what.. !
cos of this i,ll be up no doubt into the wee small hours...

so much for big ideas of cardmaking..

.believe it or not,..i used to throw wild parties every week, made my own punch.. threw everything in, witches brew,.. thought if i added slices of orange n lemon it,d look presentable but it was actually dad never forgave me the fact my mam was so drunk she walked upstairs backwards and slept with the dog, my aunty was sick on the way home straight into the car heater. ...yep. me all over.....i didnt do it on purpose..!! i,m in a strop!

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