Sunday 25 May 2008

sound of musics on tomorrow i for one will be glued to it..
resting up this afternoon a song i played on the piano sprang to mind..
must have been about 9, long long time for us sing for us gretchen and hans..clip clip go the wooden sleigh boots and on goes the dance oh we could stay here and watch you till the day is ended my dear little gretchen and funny little hans..

Thursday 22 May 2008

sound of music was on in the summer time i remember we each had one of the new Raleigh shopper bikes from currys saddler street i loved mine but not the colour.. green with tartan basket on the back,
my cousin had the best .. hers was red..

we rode all over, freedom..
down to Croxdale, as we neared the top of the bank we stopped looked down at the view.. stunning.. all the trees were out in full leaf.. sun splitting the trees..Burn hall looked beautiful i thought id love to be a nun like Julie Andrews and live in there.
it would have got me away from school.....hated needlework.. my embroidery was never right for the teacher....
...gave me the shingles she said "are you worrying about anything"? i said "yes.. needlework"....he didnt have a magic wand either..

when i was young i never thought that anyone could make anything better..
i just thought this is the way it i had to find ways of solving my own problems.. mam worked..when she came in she was busy.. i just rattled around myself but i was happy.. at least what i thought happy was..
reminds me of the famous saying .. "whatever love is"

anyway..then in winter the scenery changed.. cold dark bleak i changed my mind..thought its big..might be dusty.. sure to be cold... and id just get chillblains...
mam was so pleased cos id yarped on about it for months...

the magnificent obsession..

Ive always had a great love of music.. from being a child, its more an obsession really..
we had a piano at home i started playing by ear age 2.. so it started there really....
who ever invented music should be given a sainthood in my opinion..

then dad arranged lessons, it was the most wonderful thing to be able to pick up a sheet of paper full of what looked at first like dots.. musical notes, then to be able to turn the dots into music .. notes that went together forming a song..

after that i couldn't walk into a room without looking around for a piano..back in those days a lot of people still had pianos in the living room..

dad bought me sound of music sheet music and to be able to play edelweiss, all my faves was the best thing ever. love that film.
the soundtrack has got to be the best ive ever heard.. rogers and hammerstien deserved the oscar, i don,t even know if they got one but it was well deserved if so..

palladium put on the film and they had girls dressed in traditional austrian costume giving out programmes.., me and my cousin wanted to be too but were too young.. think girls had to be above 13. they didnt look very old..remember they looked lovely in white blouses, dresses. pigtails.
i actually liked christopher plummer...good singer he is too..surprised me..julie andrews.. she was just brilliant.. came across some old music books today..

but being the person i am now some times i can,t one would understand unless they were me..i hear a story now.. i can,t listen to music for the love of it anymore..some songs actually make me feel ill...
a sensitive...? whatever, this is me now..

Wednesday 21 May 2008

slept quite a lot today..tired..forgot my tablets yesterday which probably didn,t help..
its been nice and sunny then cloudy....change-able as they say..
.chronic fatigue can make you feel low....but if you understand this then its half the battle..
and it quickly goes....comes and goes,.. but the low days become less frequent..
....i potter....look out at the weather...there,s not the energy for much the cardmaking.. hobbies.... it just brightens up the day..

Tuesday 20 May 2008

gonna check out jon cainer.then sit out.
the computers not been working well for a few weeks now and to top it all i put in a cd without due care and attention it went off with an almighty bang..
so it needs to be sorted....thought, i must have had it a year now....i might not be covered.. i went back just now to my first emails to check the date.. 17th may. a thursday.
so nearly exactly a year.. its flown....time does fly..

been thinking i did have it quite a while before that but couldnt figure out how to work email..couldnt work any of it really.
i looked at it and took the horrors...
and still ive been no where...the possibilities are endless.. so im told,..
ive shopped.. emailed....downloaded some music, not much, thats about it..
i was a galaxy spotter too.. forgot about that ..
popping into the garden suns lovely...blosssoms dead on the pear and plum but the apple blossom is beautiful to look wonder the bees like it..