Sunday 4 May 2008

I,m buying some new gnomes. i bought a gnome mould last year,
an attempt to make my own. chose the one on special offer, there wasnt a description of it just the name "pudding basin" gnome and the price so took a chance, i made it, painted it,
going through old photo,s noticed a pic from the 80,s a gnome i,d bought at a car boot sale near us,
i thought it too nice to sit outside so it sat by the fire,.

one day while re decorating i put it out into the garden, next day it had vanished, no postcard nothing.. not the scribe of a pen..
as i put the finishing painting touches to the new gnome i noticed it was the very same design "pudding basin" gnome that had been half inched from my garden..

it,s probably sunning itself in majorca now, the stolen gnome..or where ever gnomes go on holiday..

theres an old wives tale they come to life..get up in the middle of the night and walk the too, dolls, teddies.

my son went bananas for a "boglin".. the most horrid creatures you could ever wish to see.. sat on top of the wardrobe looking out of it,s the spare room, out of the way.. its still there...

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