Thursday 17 April 2008

rocking up the kitchen.. love loud music..esp late ...j blunt could have wrote my life story.
missed what ian said about me..acker bilks, lovely song. dad liked him. played it every sunday.


Vivienne said...

Hi Gilly,

I heard Ian's remarks. He was giving out his email address and said that you now call him Ian dot Robinson!

I hope you don't mind me having a look at your blog. I found it by chance when I was trying to enlarge one of your card photos in the Comments' box.

I'm interested in angels too. Are you on the mailing list for the Cygnus Review? If not, I'm sure you would enjoy reading the articles in their magazine and buying some of their books. You can obtain details on

I hope you are ok.

Love Vivienne xxx

gillian said...

just noticed your comment vivienne,
i would,nt have done had you not mentioned on the most recent post.
i never recieve many comments so never look. feel free to look at the blog. its just waffle really.
i,ll check out cygnus review.