Sunday 20 April 2008


Rita said...
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gillian said...

hiya rita..yes i did take the pics and thanks.
i hope the blog goes well for you.
it should prove very popular.
all best wishes with it.

Rita said...
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gillian said...

think if you just click on your name it,ll take you atraight there....that should work..

gillian said...

reading back your comments i,m lost too..i wouldnt have the foggiest sorry..can,t even remember how i went on when i first started..age..! senility..all the rest of it..

Rita said...
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gillian said...

rita. i,m lost....
its gobble de gook to me..
i,m a novice at computers and blogs too. sorry. hope it works out.

Rita said...
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gillian said...

oky doky.. as i say its gobble de dook to me..

Rita said...

Success! To cut a long story short, I must have made a mistake when entering my email address when signing in. This created a second account. I wondered why I wasn't receving my confirmation emails. Anyway, I signed in again and bingo, I found my original blog, which you should now be able to access by clicking on 'Rita said.'
